Learning Chemistry - By The Irishman Software

College Level Chemistry, Chem-1, Chem 1045 Lecture Notes

Updated 05-June-2016

These notes are presented here to aid students taking Chemistry (1025, 1045 and 1046).

As these notes may not be related to your current text book, the material may be presented in a different order

But, Chemistry has not changed much in the past 50 years, so these notes may be of use to you

Notes, definitions, explanations and examples of the various concepts of General Chemistry are presented.

Chem 1045 Lecture Notes, Fall 2013, Kotz/Treichel/Townsend, 8th Ed

----- Ch 1 Basic Concepts of Chemistry 2013-Aug-20.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 1 Chem All Conversion Units Equa Balancing 20-Aug-2013.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 1 Example Units in Multiplication 01-Sept-2008.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 1 Basic Conversions 26-Aug-2013.pdf

----- Ch 2, Atoms Molecules and Ions 2013-Aug-26.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 2 CHN Calculations.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 2 Naming Compounds Problems 11-Sept-2009.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 2 Naming Compounds Problems & Answers 11-Sept-2009.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 2 Naming Compounds Rules 15-Feb-2008.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 2 Naming Polyatomics and More 10-July-2009.pdf

----- Ch 3 Chemical Reactions 2013-Sept-08.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 3 Balancing Equations Rules 26-Feb-08.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 3 Balancing Equations Problems 26-Feb-2008.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 3 Chem Reaction Solving Sequence 22-Apr-2009.pdf
-----Extra Notes Ch 3 Writing Formuale & Equations 23-June-09.pdf

----- Ch 4 Stoichiometry 2013-Sept-26-b.pdf

----- Ch 5 Prinicpals of Chemical Reactivity 15-Oct-2013-b.pdf

----- Ch 6 Structure of Atoms 22-Oct-2013.pdf

----- Ch 7 Structure of Atom 29-Oct-2013.pdf

----- Ch 8 Bonding and Molecular Structure 06-Nov-2013.pdf

----Ch 9 Bonding and Molecular Structure 09-Nov-2013.pdf

----- Ch 11 Gases and Their Properties 30-Oct-2013.pdf

----Ch 12 Intermolecular Forces and Liquids 18-Nov-2013.pdf

----- Ch 13 Chemistry of Solids 25-Nov-2013.pdf

Chem 1045 Lecture Notes, 2009, General Chemistry by Ebbing Gammon, 9th Ed

-----Chem 1045 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chemistry 26-Aug-2009.PDF

-----Chem 1045 Chapter 2 Atoms, Molecules and Ions 06-Sept-2009.PDF

-----Chem 1045 Ch 3 Calculations with Chemical Formuals and Equations 03-Oct-2008.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch 4 Chemical Reactions 27-Sept-08.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch-5 The Gaseous State 17-Oct-2008.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch-6 Thermochemistry 24-Oct-08.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch-7 Quantum Theory of the Atom 26-Mar-2009.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch-8 Electron Configuration and Periodicity 06-Apr-2009.PDF

-----Chem 1045 Ch-9 Ionic and Covalent Bonding 06-Apr-2008.pdf

-----Chem 1045 Ch-10 Molecular Geometry and Chemical Bonding Theory 12-Apr-2009.pdf

-----Chm 1045 Naming Charts 14-Sept-2009.pdf

Test - TBD


My Background

Born and Raised in Cranford, New Jersey, USA

AA Chemistry, Union Junior College (Now Union College), Cranford, NJ

BS Chemistry, Phili College of Pharmacy and Science , Phila, Pa
----- The most fun classes, especially under Dr Graften Chase for Electronics and RadioChemistry

MS Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Wayne State U , Detroit, Mich
----- With specialization in Low Temp NMR, Nitrogen Inversion Rates and Computer Programming

15 Years with Eastman Kodak in Roch, NY as an Analytical Chemist
----- The most fun job of my life, but the weather really sucks!
----- Computerizing IR, UV/VIS, NMR and GC methods of analysis
----- Helped develop KodaColor II flim and various computer / UV-Vis mixture methods of anlaysis.

Many Years as a Computer Programmer for various Government Programs in Florida

Many Years Teaching College Chemistry at Valencia and Brevard Community Colleges

Now Retired
Retired and living in Viera, Florida, USA. I'm Enjoying Bicycling, Surf-fishing, Marshal Arts, Diving, Growing Stuff, et al


URL: http://www.IrishmanSoftware.com/Chemistry.htm

E-Mail: Chemistry@IrishmanSoftware.com